New Beginning… Again.

Giulia Grotenhuis
3 min readJan 1, 2023

On the last day of the year I commented on a Facebook post that was about writing a book. I’ve been promising — or threatening, depending on how much you like my writing — to write a book.

A friend saw my comment about finally writing that book, and sent me a DM. Did I want to be their accountability partner in writing. The natural thing for me to do, of course, was play dumb. What do you have in mind? Hoping the answer actually didn’t require accountability. Not only did it entail. this 14 letter word, but it used an even worse 14 letter word — procrastinator. How dare she project her 14 letter words on me?

Just kidding, Kelly. I know you’ll be reading this.

The challenge was to write each day, or as any good procrastinator would throw in, a choice to write for one hour on a particular day of the week.

Ok, let’s get started.

Seriously, let’s start that book.

Here we have it. The problem. Where to begin.

The title for this book I have been talking about writing is simple. “A Book About Fred.” I just can’t figure out where to begin. You would think on the day we met would be a natural place to begin because “you meet everyone for a reason”, right?

Note to self… avoid cliches.

It’s just not that easy. If it were easy, I wouldn’t have just gone down a rabbit hole for the past hours. You see, while you were reading this first accountability installment I procrastinated between the paragraphs by going to Kelly’s website, clicking on a logo that took me to another website, where something about game theory caught my eye and now have two books on game theory on their way to my house.

The thought did cross my mind that, though Fred never talked about game theory, he was probably well versed in it. He was pretty good at understanding people, their moves and motives, and using it to steer clear or engage.

Fred was a pretty good chess player. His brother recently told me he could have been a chess master. He once beat some famous player that had never been beaten. I swear he used some kind of chess moves on me to get me to go out with him and then finally marry him.

Maybe I’ll begin there…

Nope. Not feeling it.

So on this first day of the New Year, where we are supposed to make forward progress on our road to success, I find myself successfully skirting around the issue laterally in every direction and still don’t know where to begin.

Thankfully, there’s always next year. I mean tomorrow. Lord willing…

I guess it’s time to just wish you all a Happy New Year and start that diet…

PS. OK Kelly, it’s your turn!



Giulia Grotenhuis

I’m a simple girl that writes about keeping it simple.